
Green Card! The American Permanent Visa

Green card! The American permanent visa

Please be aware that there is a special type of document to allow non-US citizens legal and permanent residence in the United States.
Living in the United States is a dream for many individuals who envision living in a developed country, with a range of opportunities and a multitude of tourist attractions.
After all, who wouldn't want to visit Disneyland? Although there are different types of American visas, which allow people to visit the States, mainly for business, travel or exchange purposes, living legally in the United States, without having American citizenship, is still far from being simple.
The good news for those who have this goal is to try to obtain an American Green Card, or Permanent Resident Card, a type of permanent visa for
immigrants who wish to live in the United States indefinitely. In this article, we will show you the categories of people eligible to obtain a Green Card,
what are the general procedures and advantages of having a permanent American visa for American residence.
Who is eligible – categories General processes and procedures for obtaining a Green Card Benefits of having a permanent visa.


First of all, it is important to say that, for a person to have access to a Green Card, they need to fall into some eligibility categories and meet some requirements.
beforehand, and only then will you be able to request the document!


People who fall into this type of category must have at least some type of relationship or relationship with a US citizen or legal resident. People in the following situations are eligible:

● Direct kinship, as in the case of someone who is the spouse, single child of an American under the age of 21 or the parent of an individual at least 21 years of age.
● Fiancee of an American citizen and their children.
● Widow of an American citizen, as long as the marriage was valid at the time of the spouse's death.
● Family members of a legal permanent resident, who do not necessarily need to be a US citizen, are also eligible, as long as they meet the following criteria: spouse of the resident, unmarried child under the age of 21 or unmarried child over the age of 21.


This type of category includes excellent immigrant professionals with highly qualified professional skills:
● Individuals with extraordinary knowledge and skills in science, education, athletics and business as researchers, athletes and multinational executives.
● Workers with advanced degrees and exceptional skills in business, arts or education and relevant experience.
● Individuals with advanced training and at least two years of professional experience or training, in addition to professionals with at least a bachelor's degree in the United States.
● Medical professionals able to work fully in disadvantaged areas for a specific period and who meet other requirements to be eligible.
● Immigrant investors who have made or are about to make an investment with a minimum value of US$1,050,000 in an American company and who
guarantee the creation of labor for at least ten professionals.
Remembering that, in some cases, to apply for a permanent immigrant visa to work in the United States, the applicant needs an offer from an employer or
sponsor, before submitting the request.


This category includes people who are victims of persecution for reasons of religion, nationality, political position or social group.
An individual who is already a resident of the United States and believes they may be subject to persecution after returning to their country of origin, and is able to demonstrate their risk status, may request
asylum from the American government.
People who have already been living in the United States for at least two years in an asylum situation can also request housing for their family members.
Citizens who reside outside the United States but who are also victims of persecution for reasons of a religious, political or social nature and can prove their condition,
They are also able to request shelter in American territory.
After two years of living in the United States, sheltered individuals are also eligible to request shelter from their family members.
There is also an alternative way to obtain an American Green Card, which is through the Diversity Visa Lottery, where the American government offers annual draws for
visas for around fifty-five thousand participants; Unfortunately, Brazilians are currently not eligible to participate in the draw.


Although the procedures may vary, depending on the type of bond in the requested category, some general procedures must be followed so that the applicant can have
access to your permanent US visa.
The first requirement to be analyzed is whether the person actually falls into one of the eligibility categories and, therefore, is able to make the request.
Another basic procedure for people residing outside the United States and interested in obtaining permanent residence is filing a request for Consular Processing.
For people applying for a Green Card through a family or employment relationship, there must be a joint presentation, that is, someone responsible must make a request for
immigrant in the name of the applicant at the same time that he or she makes the application to obtain the visa.
Most applications for a permanent visa require a medical examination. To prove that the immigrant has the financial means to live in the United States
United States, without requiring direct assistance from government benefits, it may also be necessary to present a type of declaration of financial sponsorship, to be made by a


The permanent American visa gives its holder practically all the rights of a traditional American citizen.
● Unlimited residence in the United States: the Green Card holder has the right to unlimited residence, thus having the possibility of residing in a safe and
plan your life in the long term.
● Work authorization: possibility of working legally and having access to professional growth opportunities.
● Access to government social benefits: A citizen with a green card can enjoy quality education, healthcare and other social welfare programs.
● Possibility of acquiring American citizenship after a period of 3 to 5 years.
● Ease of movement: entry and exit from the United States without the need to have a visa or carry out other bureaucratic travel procedures.

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