
Residence Permit

Residence permit



Law 13,445/2017 and Decree 9,199/2017 began to govern the situation of immigrants in the country, facilitating the process of granting residence permits to individuals of other nationalities who intend to remain temporarily or permanently in Brazilian territory.

If a foreigner intends to reside legally in Brazil, it will be necessary to comply with the requirements established by law, according to the purpose he intends to establish in the country.

For those who are foreigners and intend to apply for a Residence Permit to live or work in Brazil, we have compiled a blog with the main information and tips for regularizing your situation with the Brazilian Government.

Types of Residence Permits

When applying for a Residence Permit, immigrants must consider whether or not they are already in Brazilian territory.

The Pre-Residence Authorization is granted to interested immigrants who are abroad and is required, with exceptions, by Brazilian consular authorities, for the purpose of granting visas to foreigners who wish to enter Brazil.

If the interested immigrant is already in national territory and wants to obtain a Residence Permit, it will not be necessary to indicate a consular office. Therefore, after the request is approved, they must go to the Federal Police for registration.

Categories for granting a temporary visa or Residence Permit

Check out the main categories that can be used:

a) research, teaching or academic extension;
b) health treatment;
c) humanitarian reception;
d) study;
and work;
f) work-vacation;
g) practice of religious activity or voluntary service;
h) carry out investment or activity with economic, social, scientific, technological or cultural relevance;
i) family meeting;
j) artistic or sporting activities with a fixed-term contract;

It should be noted that, subject to the hypotheses provided for in Brazilian legislation, the temporary work visa may be granted to immigrants who come to work, with or without an employment relationship in Brazil, as long as they can prove a job offer formalized by a legal entity. active in the country, this requirement being waived if the immigrant proves a higher education degree or equivalent.


The documentation required varies according to the purpose used for applying for a residence permit. However, here is a list of documents required in practically all categories.

1 – Travel document or official identity document
2 – Photo
3 – Birth or marriage certificate
4 – Proof of payment of the processing fee for evaluating applications for residence permits (R$ 168.13) and the fee for issuing the National Immigration Registration Card (CRNM – R$ 204.77).
5 – Form
6 – Criminal Record Certificate
7 – Specific documentation in accordance with the basis of the request.

The average time to complete the service may vary depending on the complexity of the case.

At the end of the request, the foreigner receives the CRNM, which makes their stay in Brazil legal.

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